Winston 3-piece 6wt
Today there are a growing number of fiberglass fly rod fans. And with good reason. Glass rods can be great. So I thought it would be fun to cover another one. Truth is I own seven Winston glass fly rods, ranging from the smallest one they made to the largest. In this post we’ll look at a middle of the road model – a Winston fiberglass 8-foot, 3-piece, 2-tip, 6-weight fly rod.
This is the first Winston I bought, and still my favorite. As with the rest, I acquired it directly from the factory. Even now, it is still my favorite all-around trout rod. From the Beaverkill to the Bow River, I have caught more trout on this rod then any other. It weighs 3 1/8 ounces. The action is progressive, and in today’s world would be listed as slow-to-moderate. Although intended for a 6-weight line, early on I found it was best in my hands with a DT5. As the seasons slipped by, I switched to a WF5 and never looked back.
Like all Winston glass, this rod is brown with red wraps (Gudebrod), tipped in turns of clear. Built with phenolic resin, it wears a down-locking reel seat, cigar grip, carboloy stripping guide, and spigot ferrules. In the casting department, this is a terrific performer, able to work in tight, yet ready to reach out. Even after 30 years of hard use, it will easily cast 40 feet and farther.
This rod along with the Stalker – mentioned in the post below – became my streamside dynamic duo. Ready to deliver anything from a size 8 streamer to a size 20 BWO. On occasion, I carried both down the trail. The 6-weight rode in my hand. The Stalker, in its tube, rode on my back. Most of the day, the 6-weight was the right wand. Then as the light faded, and the fish rose, I switched to the Stalker. The duo made for a great day on the water. Winston Stalker, Winston Retro Rod,
Winston Glass 5wt, Winston Glass 8wt,Winston Glass 10-weight,
If you’re interested in learning more about glass fly rods, visit this excellent site www.thefiberglassmanifesto.blogspot.com