Caught a few this morning from the Adios. Here’s today’s biggest red. It weighted a crack over nine pounds on the Boga. Decent redfish for these waters. No it wasn’t on a fly, unfortunately. The fish were out of range. I was using a “walking the dog” style “top water” plug made by Rapala®. Its called a “Skitter Walk ®”.
“Top water” plugs aren’t the best way to entice reds. Soft plastics are much, much better. Why? Soft plastics work under any conditions. Calm, choppy, overcast, bright, it doesn’t matter. “Top water” plugs work in pretty much calm conditions only; and they aren’t that good in bright light. Second, soft plastics are fairly operator proof. Anyone can use them. On the other hand, “top water” plugs take awhile to master. There is a trick to it. Third, a redfish’s mouth is slightly under-slung and not well suited to sucking stuff off the surface. So why bother to use a “top water”? The surface strikes are wicked, down-right ferocious. Well worth the effort, believe me. You’ll be shaking in your shoes.
Keep your hooks razor sharp. And keep your retrieve speed slow to moderate. If a red crash on the plug, but fails to connect, stop the plug for a second and then start again. Some reds will return and wallop the thing a second time. After you land a red, check your hooks, amigo. This fish bent both trebles, and both were brand new! Even after some work with my pliers they’re still not right.