Fishing with My Son

Recently my son came down for a visit, and naturally we spent most of the time on the water. The first day we fished on our own. No reds or snook, but we had all the spotted sea trout action we could handle. At one point my son had 8 fish on 8 casts. They were not large fish; still we were hooked up for a good part of the day. Enjoyed it.

Nice Size Snook

Nice Size Snook

The following day we went out with Captain Rhett Morris ( 941-505-8481) of Beyond Borders Rhett did an excellent job for us. Chumming with live bait, he got snook and reds up, angry, and eating. Beside a few snook, including the one pictured about, my son had 7, I think, big redfish. I’m talking fat, upper slot reds that pulled like demons. Lotsa fun!

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Big Redfish

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