Private NRA Pistol Class: For some people, large classes do not provide the right educational experience. So I offer private NRA Basic Pistol classes as well. Often they can be arranged at a mutually agreed upon time and place. If you’re interested e-mail me here. The cost for 1 or 2 students is $425.00 at this time.
Beyond the Basics:After learning the basics, many people decide they would like to take their shooting skills to the next level. For these folks I suggest an intermediate level of instruction. Typically these are done in 1 hour long sessions at a public range. You will need your firearm – or you can rent one of mine – your eye protection, your ear protection, and about 50 rounds of ammunition. I will supply targets. Cost for 1 or 2 students is $100, plus the range cost. Please contact me if you’re interested. E-mail me here.
Handloading Classes: Sooner or later, most serious shooters want to learn how to handload their own ammunition. It will certainly save you money in the long run. Equally important, however, handloading allows you to build custom ammunition for your specific handgun and your specific shooting needs.
I am a NRA certified Handloading instructor. So if you want to know more about handloading, please drop me an e-mail.
Hi Ed,
I, too, enjoyed your class. You’ve opened another shooting sport to a fun group of folks. You’ve composed a wonderful website; spectacular images! Love your yellow Lab! I trail ride in Cockaponsett with three black Labs, and occasionally borrow my neighbor’s fox hunting hound to exercise him. The Labs love to chase the hound, and the hound loves when we gallop across hay fields late in the season! God has blessed us with many friends here on Earth.
I’m interested in your lessons in hand loading ammunition, but I’m rushing a bit as I’d need a pistol permit and a nice 22LR varmint rifle, as yet. Currently I only – and carefully – hand press black powder 1 oz / 1 oz 12 Gage loads into Magtech brass shells for my two Damascus twist side-by-side hammer guns. My Belgium Browning is smokeless, so modern loads are used; but I’ve noticed inconsistencies in patterning from these, unlike my BP loads. My Browning has fixed chokes, so patterning is critical. And with only one projectile, I can well imagine that cartridge loads are only more critical.
Can’t believe you fly fish for sea bass! What a challenge. My wife fishes – we need to meet up and get in some strikes! We’re due for a trip to Narragansett, soon. We were just in Wickford two weekends ago (and stayed in Charlestown!).
Hi Rob,
Glad you liked the class. It is really a shame that North Cove Outfitters is going out of business. Took me by surprise, along with many other folks. Put alot of people out of work too.
So you’re in Rhoddy regularly? We’ll have to get together. Rather than go into details here, I’ll drop you a message to your personal e-mail address.