Landscape Images

Tropical Twilight

Landscape photography is as old as the hills…….Now, that was truly an awful pun. But seriously, photography has, since its birth, been used to document our surroundings.  And why not? Our relationship to the planet is a strong one. We evolved out of the earth, and then developed the necessary mental and physical skills to survive. The shape of our hands, the position of our eyes, our upright posture are all adaptions to the landscape. Yeah, we are creatures of Mother Earth. Forever connected to the land.

During my recent trips to Ireland, I took many landscape images. I actually didn’t anticipate it, but the stunning scenery lit a fire in me. I couldn’t put the camera down. And fortunately, my hosts, Jim and Jane Deady, graciously put up with my camera craze.

To take the images I relied on two Nikon DSLRs, a D200 and a D700. The D700 is a full-frame camera capable of superb results. Still I have to say that the older D200, can produce a mean ass file, closely rivaling the D700.  Everything was shot in RAW + Jpeg. I use 3 principal lenses: a Nikon 14-24, a Nikon 24-70,  and a Nikon 70-300.

My Ireland landscapes are divided into 2 groups. Please note that these are large PDF files and will take a moment to load. (see info on PDF below) The first set of images comes from a region called the Connemara, which lies in the west of Ireland. It is fairly mountainous country, and home to many wonderful lakes. The second set was taken on the Beara Peninsula, which lies on the southwest coast of Ireland, across the water from the Ring of Kerry. This is a rugged, coastal community of picture-perfect small towns.

I also have a series of landscape images taken on Martha’s Vineyard. This series and the Connemara photographs were shown in 2010 as a one-man exhibit in Connecticut. Hope you enjoy them. Vineyard 

(You can open a PDF file with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader download, which nearly everyone has on their computer. If you wish to view these file on your cell phone you must install a PDF reader app. Its fast, free, and easy to do. And available for both Apple and Android phones)

2 Responses to Landscape Images

  1. Rachel says:

    Ed – your pictures are stunning! I feel like I’ve now seen a side of Ireland that I’ve never seen before. Your pictures are absolutely beautiful, but also unique and original. Very nice.

    • admin says:

      Glad you like the photos….My experience is limited to the Connemara and the Beara, but I loved both…
      Thank you….

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