A Vintage Fly Rod Day
Recently the weather here in Connecticut has been yucky. Mother Nature was throwing us a curve ball. Memorial Day weekend held three day of cold, rain, and wind. Three days. Go figure. Terrible for this time of year. Well yesterday was an okay day. And given that tomorrow may hold more rain, it was time to get back on the water.

A Vintage Fly Rod Day
Halfway through a second cup of coffee morning, I opted to make it another vintage fly rod day. Drag out the “glass”. Hey, why not I’m a vintage angler. So between me and the rods this outing was going to be totally retronaut. The two rods in question were Winston fiberglass rods, the ones I did a post on a few days back. A 4wt and a 6wt. Nice combination for a trout trip. If any dry fly action appeared the 4wt would get the nod. For swing wets, nymphing or streamers the 6wt would step up to the plate.
As you can image the river was up after all this rain. That made for some careful wading. No sense taking a dunk. Right off, I saw a few fair size caddis come off and I did see some Vitreus later in the morning. Not a lot still they were around. But once again no rising fish. Too bad, I was hoping for dry fly action. Yeah fishing is wishing. The action was all subsurface. Maybe next time.

Rainbow bends the 6wt
great post. I am sure you know that glass is in its second resurgence. I am a member of a couple of glass websites and it is amazing the money people are paying for vintage glass.
There are a few bargains out there but it takes some looking. I fish vintage Fenwicks.
I have a 7 footer for a 5 weight that was built in 1966 and 6 weights (2 and 4 piece) built in 1973. They are marvelous and fun fishing rods. Thanks for speaking of glass. As the Fibreglass Manifesto states “Glass is not dead”
Good Morning,
The fiberglass cult may not be enormous, but it is certainly enthusiastic and devoted. And I am a proud member. I had a couple of those tobacco brown Fenwicks gems. One trout size. And a 10wt for the coast. That rod was the subject of a magazine article I wrote for “Saltwater Fly Fishing” in June of 1998. It was entitled “Retro Rod”, and helped stir a renewed interest in “glass”. Lets keep the movement alive! And above all, lets enjoy the magic in these “glass” wands.