Captains for Clean Water

Captains for Clean Water

Bought a new hat. Did I need another one? No, I got it for a special reason. Have you noticed that fishing isn’t getting better these days? Damn. Its true pretty much no matter where you go. Why is that? Too much pollution? Too much habitat destruction? Too little political attention? Too much angling pressure? And now climate change? Or is it all of the above? Folks we have to gang together and support any and every effort to reverse those nasty trends. That’s why the new hat.


Captains for Clean Waters is a wonderful conservation group in Florida. Here is what they have to say. ” Captains For Clean Water is a grassroots 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that fights to restore and protect our water resources. In 2016, we started as a couple fishing guides that had “had enough” of Florida’s poor water management practices devastating the estuaries we rely on. We were convinced that if everyone knew about the issues, they would’ve been fixed long ago. The solution is known, but has been delayed for decades due to lack of political will and public awareness. So, we set out to change that.” Roger that !

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