This is the worse season kickoff I can remember. Damn it has been weird. And after a mild winter I didn’t expect that. Not one little bit. In some good part it has been the virus and the stay-at-home deal we all face. But there is more to it. My local beaches are closed. Wow. On top of that mess, the weather has been a real rollercoaster ride. And the long range forecast is more of the same.
Just got a fishing report from my son, however. He got a striper out of his kayak in the Connecticut River one evening. Glad he did. Nice, although he is making dad look bad. Ha.
Finally got a flat bed extender for my pickup. Now I can put my old kayak back into action. It is an Adios. A hybrid critter. Part Sit-on-Top, part Standup-Board. Got my fingers crossed the yak changes my luck. Hell it can’t make things any worse. I’ll give the Adios a go when this weather pattern straightens out.