Last night NOAA reported that SE winds would kick up by the following afternoon. So I got out early, in hopes of getting in some fishing before hand. I worked my way down the bar to a sweet spot. Then I staked the Adios and climbed out. Right off I caught some spotted seatrout on the 6-weight. Next I grabbed the 8-weight and began wading along, combing the deeper water off the front of the bar.
Bingo. Within 3 casts I had another nice pompano on a fly. This one was smaller than the last two, around 16 inches to the fork. Still it put up a real struggle. At one point it reversed directions and ran under my kayak, which was staked out behind me. I quickly waded over and pulled the pompano out, only to have it do a 360 around me and shoot back toward deeper water. Man, I had to spin on my heels.
After that the wind started punching an honest 20, and white caps were popping up. Time to paddle back home. Pronto. Back in the shelter of the marina, I passed a big Contender armed with 3, 300 horse Verados. Doubt he worries about the wind!