Connecticut River Estuary

Connecticut River Estuary

I’ve been so busy getting settled in here that I’ve not had time to explored the surrounding area. My friend Phil, on the other hand, did take a look and found a kayak launch near my house. Really? Well this morning I went and took a look. Sure enough, just down the road is a small cove off the Connecticut, an estuary with a nice kayak ramp. Great news!

Connecticut River Kayak Launch

I’ve been close to the Connecticut River most of my life. As a kid I grew up around the corner from Wethersfield Cove. Later I spent many years paddling and rowing down at the river’s mouth in Old Saybrook and Old Lyme. And I’m a huge fan of the river’s far upper reaches in Pittsburg, New Hampshire. Wow the Connecticut Lakes are beautiful.

While in Pittsburg, several times I  hiked into the river’s tiny source. (see post here) What a hoot. Watching the river tickle down a mountainside. So I’ve seen the river from top to bottom, from its mouth in Long Island Sound to its birth on the Canadian line.


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2 Responses to Connecticut River Estuary

  1. Ted Rzepski says:

    Welcome home. Just last week me and friends attended a river tour featuring DEEP’s Steve Gephard who lectured on the Fish of Connecticut river. Fascinating habitat. We saw Eagles Ospreys, Coyotes and leaping short nosed Sturgeon.

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