Stripers on Topwater
Here in Long Island Sound we have been beset with a slew of wind. My son got out a few days ago, however, and found striped bass on the ebb. He tells me it was mainly topwater plugs that did the action. Lasted the whole tide. You got to love that stuff.
As you might imagine, marine scientist have been following water temperatures in the Sound for many years. Their records show an October low of 58 degree and a high of 64 degrees. Where are this year? Present water temperatures are 64 degrees, right at the max. Ummm. I remember many years when the water dipped to 50 by the start of November. No way it can drop 14 degrees in in the next 2 weeks. No way. The good news, I guess, is that this season is apt to last well into December. Striped bass for Christmas anyone? On the other hand, higher water temperatures in the Sound are not a good sign for the future.