Articulated Streamers are Hot!
Yesterday Phil and I went to see Kevin Pelletier. Kevin is one of the finest fly tyers I have ever seen. He is a real artist at the vise, believe me. Presently, Kevin is into articulated streamers, something I know very little about. So this was a chance to not only visit with Kevin, but as well learn about articulated streamers.
What are articulated streamers? Traditionally, streamers have been tied on long shank hooks, going all the way back to the famous flies tied by Carries Stevens on Rangeley Lake in the 1920’s. Articulated streamers, however, do not require long shank hooks. Instead they are tied on micro shanks – small metal shanks that are linked together to form a chain. Together they act much like vertebrates, capable of curving and wiggling. As a result the finished streamer fly seems to literally swim through the water like a living fish. Deadly!
Kevin’s tying desk is filled with a a wide assortment of materials to make these unique flies. Micro shanks in various sizes, tungsten beads, weighted fish heads, specialty hooks from Kona, Firehole and others. And even a tool to make what are called “brushes”.
Both Phil and I were deeply impressed with Kevin’s work. His flies are exhibition grade, suitable for framing. Kevin has been a fly shop manager and owned two fly shops over the years. He is also a talented rod builder. In fact he built my all time favorite saltwater 10 wt. some 3o years ago. Like to purchase some of Kevin’s flies? You can reach him at 860-707-0156. Be patient, these custom creations take time.